
Final presentation of projects

21 dezembro 2012, 17:00 João Pedro Carvalho

2,5 hour class where each group had a 20 min ppt presentation to present and defend their results between class mates and the professors.

Discussion of results for the gruop activity

19 dezembro 2012, 15:00 Tiago Lopes Farias

Dicussion with each group for clarification of results obtained in each project.

Presentation and discussion of the Experimental lab. measurements

14 dezembro 2012, 17:00 João Pedro Carvalho

Presentation and discussion of the Experimental lab. measurements.


Discussion of each group results . Comparison of results between groups, for different fuels and technologies

Seminário Mobilidade Urbana III

12 dezembro 2012, 15:00 Tiago Lopes Farias

Innovative solutions so reduce energy consumption byGalp Energia 


Presentation of Professor Christopher Frey of the DEM of the North Carolina State University on fueul consumption and emissions measurments in US light duty vehicles 

Electric mobility II

7 dezembro 2012, 17:00 João Pedro Carvalho

presenttaion by EMEL of the Lsibon approach to Electric Mobility


Presentation by IDMEC on the research activities in electric mobility