Laboratory tests of a oscillating water column wave energy converter

22 maio 2018, 09:12 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear students,

The laboratory tests of a oscillating water column wave energy converter are schedule for this week (21-25 of May).
The work is to be performed in groups of 4 students. Each laboratory test can accommodate 2 groups (8 students).
Three shifts were booked:

* Shift 1 - 22nd Tuesday from 12h00 to 14h00   
* Shift 2 - 24th Thursday from 15h00 to 17h00
* Shift 3 - 25th Friday from 11h30 to 13h30

Please register on the course web page on the "Groups" section.
If any student is not able to attend the laboratory within these shifts please contact me.

The guide for the laboratory is available on the course web page on the "Laboratory" section.

João Henriques