
Instruction for the examination of 29th June, 11h30

28 junho 2020, 23:21 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear Students,

The Zoom link for the instructions how to do tomorrow's examination will be

Only registered students are allowed to do the examination.


MC&TE - Registration for the exam of 29th of June at 11h30

15 junho 2020, 13:41 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear Students,

Registration for the exam of 29th of June at 11h30 is now open on the course webpage until June 21st at 18h00 pm. 

Students that already passed the course may register only if they want to improve the final grade.


João Henriques

Mini test 2

21 maio 2020, 23:24 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear Students,

The grades of the mini test 2 are on the course web site, section "Grades".

João Henriques

Mini Test 2 - 21/05/2020 - Zoom Link

21 maio 2020, 18:47 Ricardo Balbino Santos Pereira

Dear students,

We will support you during the mini-test via zoom using the link

Ricardo and João

Mini-test calendar

11 maio 2020, 19:25 João Carlos de Campos Henriques

Dear Students,

The mini-tests of MCTE are scheluded for:

  • Mini test 1 - 15 May 19h00 - Subjects: Turbine dimensioning, turbine control and cavitation.
  • Mini test 2 - 21 May 19h00 - Subjects: blade element momentum (BEM), channel flows.
  • Mini test 329 May 18h00 - Subjects: Mooring lines, Offshore operations, Maritime safety.
  • Mini test 4 - 4 June 18h00 - Subjects: Offshore electrical grid and interconnection systems, tidal barrages, farm layout.
João Henriques