Big History II
11 dezembro 2019, 12:30 • Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos
The appearance and evolution of a nervous system, feelings, ideas, communication and tools. Social groups. The evolution of primates, hominids and Homo. Important human transitions: bipedalism, stone tools, use of fire, language and burials. Cognitive revolution. Collective learning, culture, information and cultural forgetting. Domestication. First and Second wave extinctions. Agro-villages. Civilizations. Writing. The last 10 seconds of the cosmic calendar.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
4 dezembro 2019, 12:30 • Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos
Linking biodiversity change to ecosystem functions and ecosystem service (cont.), The IPBES Conceptual Framework to describe socio-ecological systems; Trade-offs and synergies in ecosystem services management; Response options to reconcile biodiversity conservation and farming, and biodiversity conservation and climate action.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
27 novembro 2019, 12:30 • Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos
Biodiversity and ecosystem services. Dimensions of biodiversity change: extinction risk, range shifts, changes in population abundance and in community composition; The shifting baseline syndrome; Linking biodiversity change to ecosystem functions and ecosystem services.
Sustainability Indicators
20 novembro 2019, 12:30 • Tiago Morais Delgado Domingos
Social indicators of sustainability: Human Development Index, Happiness Indicators, Safe and just space framework. Relationship between social and environmental indicators.