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Exam Época Especial
22 julho 2024, 14:53 • Carlos Baleizão
The exam of "Época Especial" will take place on the 23rd of July 2024, at 18:00, room QA1.2.
For the exam you'll need to bring a few sheets of paper, pen (not
pencil) and a scientific calculator (non-graphical). The exam will be
1h30m and include a list of equations needed to solve the problems (no
other elements can be used during the exam).
Exam - Q&A and general informations
18 junho 2024, 11:53
Lab report on preparation of gold nanostructures - guidelines
20 maio 2024, 09:33
Corpo Docente
Cláudia Raposo
José Paulo Farinha
Pedro Miguel Neves Ribeiro Paulo