
C# Event Based Programming

3 outubro 2017, 13:30 Paolo Romano

- Delegates 
- Events 
- Threads & Synchronization

Distributed shared memory

3 outubro 2017, 11:00 Paolo Romano

Distributed shared memory. (chapter 6)

Publish-subscribe systems and message queues

3 outubro 2017, 09:30 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

Architecture of publish-subscribe systems. Building trees on mesh topologies and rendez-vous points (chapter 6). Introduction to shared memory.

Pub-sus systems + Message queues

2 outubro 2017, 16:30 Paolo Romano

Architecture of publish-subscribe systems. Example systems. Message queues (chapter 6).

C# Event Based Programming

2 outubro 2017, 13:30 Paolo Romano

- Delegates 
- Events 
- Threads & Synchronization