
(TAGUS) Final grades

10 fevereiro 2017, 21:57 Paolo Romano

The final grades of the TagusPark students have been published in the "Grades" section.

(TAGUS) Grades of 2nd exam

8 fevereiro 2017, 17:31 Paolo Romano

The Tagus grades of the 2nd exam can be found in the Grades Section.  Tagus students will be able to review their exam on Friday, Feb 10 at noon (12:00), in room 2N3.1. The final grades, including all the components of the evaluation, will be published shortly.

(ALAMEDA) Grades of the 2nd Exam

2 fevereiro 2017, 12:04 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

The Alameda grades after the 2nd exam are posted in the "grades" section. Alameda students will be able to see their exam, Monday, January 6, 11:30, in classroom F2. This listing is not official and may have errors. If you detect an error in the listing, please notify me (L. Rodrigues) by email.

"Época Especial" Project Description Available

27 janeiro 2017, 16:28 João Coelho Garcia

The "Época Especial" project description is now available in the "Project" section of this website.

(ALL) Exam Registration

24 janeiro 2017, 21:28 Luís Eduardo Teixeira Rodrigues

Students that plan to attend the 2nd exam (scheduled for February 1st) should register in Fenix *before* the January 29th, 23:59. We plan to print just the required copies of the exam.