
T13 - Alameda

6 abril 2016, 09:00 Filipe Manuel Rodrigues Casal

Bit security of the discrete logarithm problem: first bit is easy; DLP is easy iff 2nd bit oracle is easy. Other groups: Polynomial rings, quocient rings and construction of arbitrary fields Fp^k .


5 abril 2016, 15:00 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus

Ataque ao logaritmo discreto por conhecimento do segundo bit menos significativo. 


31 março 2016, 13:00 Paulo Alexandre Carreira Mateus

Problema do logaritmo discreto. Teorema e Algoritmo de Pohlig-Hellman. Primos para os quais é difícil calcular o logaritmo discreto.

T12 - Alameda

31 março 2016, 10:30 Filipe Manuel Rodrigues Casal

Pohlig-Hellman algorithm for DLP: correctness and complexity analysis. Generalized Discrete Log problem. DLP in (Zn, +) is easy. Solving DLP in (G, o) is as hard as finding isomorphism F: G -> Zn .

T11 - Alameda

30 março 2016, 09:00 Filipe Manuel Rodrigues Casal

Discrete Logarithm Problem: motivation and examples. ElGamal cryptosystem: description and correctness. Shank's baby-step giant-step algorithm for DLP. Exercise using Shank's algorithm.