

12 abril 2018, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of last class as per summary

State model from TF -- a derivation of CCF for a 3rd order system

Role of coefficients: numerator vs denominator

The issue of optimal control: giving Q and R

Remember optimal control is K=inv(R)*B’*S

Poles change location

Optimal control on top of traditional PID control

Optimal control all alone -- given the physical system, find the optimal control

How to check other indices, beyond J

Trial-and-error for overshooting

Simple problem: interconnection with an infinite area

Infinite area and zero area (no generation, just a load substation)

A zero area connected to another area

A zero area connected to multiple areas -- eg a triangle connection

Discussion on continuity of quantities such as frequency, phase, power interconnected





Practical class #7 group of Wednesday

11 abril 2018, 09:00 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

Resolution of problem 45 (conclusion). Quiz #3

Pole placement, CCF, optimal control

10 abril 2018, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of previous class, as per summary

The issue of controllable, then make stable

State feedback, u=-Kx

Controllable, then state feedback can place system poles at desired locations

New characteristic eq, eigenvalues for A-BK

K constant matrix, dimensions

BK is a product -- the importance of B

Controllable canonical form CCF (or reachable canonical form)

Direct derivation from a transfer function

Lewis, optimal control for polynomial systems, page 292

Easy to place poles at desired location: [alpha poly]

K=[alpha poly-characteristic poly]

Handout, cose_part1_3.doc

Pole placement without CCF

How to choose K’s -- especially if there are redundancy

Avoid difficult nonlinearities

Redundancy of K’s -- room for choice

Performance index -- costs of operation 

Optimal control -- a special quadratic function (trajectory error and control effort)

Linear quadratic regulator -- a gift from Algebra to Engineering

(A,B) controllable, then define Q>=0 and R>0

Check results for pole location, time response

Practical class #6 group of Thursday

5 abril 2018, 09:30 Célia Maria Santos Cardoso de Jesus

Resolution of problem 45 (questions 1,  2 and beginning of 3).

State models and linear algebra

5 abril 2018, 08:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira

Review of last class major points

The recurrent theme of linearity and linear operators



Symbolic drawing

Integrator, plant matrix, input, output

Where is the control? and perturbations?

State feedback or output feedback?

In general, create an observer, for x^ 

State control is powerful

What is controllability?

Another drawing, this time with the plant matrix as diagonal

Multiple integrators on a single variable (instead of one matrix on a transformed state vector)

Controllability simply as “iff no row of B is null, then controllable”

The classic controllability matrix (B AB ...)

Iff rank n, then controllable

What controllable means -- can make it go to zero, can make it go to any desired state

Certainly means that the system if unstable can be made stable

Review of formula for transfer matrix form state model -- unique

What is common to all those transfer functions? |sI-A| in the denominator

An example from a two-area control system

How to derive a state model from transfer functions

A simple example in which y=x

Notice that dx/dt=(-1/T) x+...

The importance of being negative -- take look at A for the two-area model

The importance of being diagonal

Remember trace: tr(A) means two things

What is coming next