Dear Students,

For paper presentations (10% of class grade), each lab group should send e-mail to stating:

- Lab Shift
- Group Number
- By priority, 4 choices of papers to present, respecting the schedule and their lab shift (unless otherwise instructed).

The papers are available at:

The presentation Schedule, Room locations, will be updated at:

Presentations should be insigthful (to show the "geist" of the paper) but not long. 
Optimum durations should be 18 minutes with a 10% margin (i.e., never longer than 20 minutes).
Getting the timing is a key part of the presentation work and preparation.
Remember: the target total duration for presentation is 18 minutes, with 10% margin, i.e., below 20 minutes.
There will be signaling at 15 min, final at 18 min, and emphatic termination on 20 minutes.

Important: students must attend all the presentation schedules of their corresponding lab shift (and only those). 
As advised in the start of the course, we will make use of the schedules already allocated to the course (both labs and lectures) for the presentations.
In the days the lecture is used ofr presentations, only the students of the lab shift indicated need to attend.

Topics papers are varied and distributed across sessions.

Student group paper preferences will be processed by order of arrival and the spreadsheet updated.

So, remember,

Send e-mail, stating your lab shift, group number and preferences for papers to present.

Good work,