How to connect to mysql using JDBC.

Below there is a working example of using the JDBC driver in an android application. The output of this application will be shown in the logcat of the emulator.

How to connect to mysql using JDBC.

Below there is a working example of using the JDBC driver in an android application. The output of this application will be shown in the logcat of the emulator.

Emulator network connections

The Android emulator does not support Bluetooth nor Wifi. Thus, all network connections between devices should be done by just opening a TCP/UDP socket connection. For more details regarding networking in the emulator see this page.

Sending GPS coordinates through eclipse DDMS

To send GPS coordinates through DDMS it is required that the eclipse regional definitions be in english. That can be done by adding the line:


to the end of the file eclipse.ini.

Example of a KML file that can be used in the visualization of the project

The file below can be loaded through eclipse DDMS to simulate a path. To see it working the map must be at the street level.

The timestamp in the KML file should be taken into account

You should parse the KML file in order to obtain not only the coordinates but also the timestamp of each coordinate.The KML example file above was altered to reflect this.