
Registration for the 1st CMov Exam

1 junho 2015, 11:36 Paulo Jorge Pires Ferreira

Dear Students,
Please register for the 1st CMov exam (if you intend to attend). There will be exam copies only for those who register (dealine is June 8, 23h59).

Schedules of Project Demos and Discussions

17 maio 2015, 16:34 Nuno Santos

The schedules of the project demos and discussions have been published. Check them out in Section "Lab Classes" and get in touch with the faculty if you are not available in the time slot assigned to your group.

Project Report and Submission Instructions

11 maio 2015, 12:52 Nuno Santos

In this week's lab guide you will find: (a) a template for the project report, and (b) the instructions for submitting both the part 2 of the project and the project report.

New Termite Release

4 maio 2015, 10:06 Nuno Santos

A new version of Termite has been released. This version enables you to deploy emulators on Genymotion, and most importantly, on RNL's CloudStack cluster. The credentials that you need to access the CloudStack cluster will be sent to each group soon. The new Termite release and a user guide are available in this week's lab guide.

Project Part 1 Submissions

8 abril 2015, 12:39 Nuno Santos

The submission process for Part 1 of the project is now open. You have to upload to Fenix a compressed file containing the source code of your project. Proceed as follows:

  1. Clean up your project (very important!), for example, by changing to the root directory of your Android Studio project and executing: gradle -q clean
  2. Create a compressed file containing the entire project tree. The compression formats allowed are: tgz and zip. Don’t upload rar files!
  3. Name the resulting file as “airdesk-part1-<a|t>-<group>.<tgz|zip>”, where “a|t” indicate the campus where your group is registered, “group” is your group number, and “tgz|zip” the file extension. For example, if your group is registered in Tagus with group number 2 and the file uses zip compression, the file name must be “”. Double check your group number on the Fenix portal.
  4. Submit the resulting file on Fenix.