
Dates regarding the project

12 maio 2017, 11:04 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I've updated the dates regarding the final delivery date of the project (June 5th) and published a tentative schedule for the presentations. Please have a look at the schedule in the project section, and let me know if you have any issues that will prevent you from presenting your project on the proposed date.


Changes in paper presentation schedule

10 maio 2017, 16:49 Nuno Santos

Dear students

As discussed last week, I've made some changes to the paper presentation schedule. Basically, I've deferred the presentations of Eunice and Luís to 25 May. The others were left unchanged.

Soon, I'll publish a tentative schedule for the presentations of the final projects.


Paper presentation

11 abril 2017, 17:47 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I've published a tentative paper presentation schedule for our topic seminars. Please check if you are available to present your paper on the proposed date, otherwise we have to exchange slots. The schedule is available in section "Topic Seminars". You should prepare your presentations to finish within 20 minutes followed by 5-10 min for Q&A.

Note that some of you haven't chosen a paper yet! :) Please do so ASAP.


Ideas for the seminars and projects

28 março 2017, 17:27 Nuno Santos

Dear students

I posted some ideas for project topics and papers to present in the student seminars. Please, pay special attention to the dates. The next step from your side is to define a topic for your project and select a paper to present in the student seminars. Let me know if you have any questions.


Bem vindos!

23 fevereiro 2017, 18:09 Nuno Santos

Caros alunos

Em primeiro lugar desejo-vos as boas vindas à disciplina de Cibersegurança Forense.

Tal como foi comunicado pelo coordenador do mestrado, queria informar-vos que as aulas começam apenas na próxima semana, pelo que hoje não haverá aula. A primeira aula será no dia 2 de Março.

Em breve publicarei mais informações sobre o programa da disciplina.
