Last Classification Lecture and following planning

14 janeiro 2022, 18:37 Cláudia Antunes

Dear all,

As I announced in the classes, next Monday we will be wrapping up classification topic, discussing the Deloitte Case study. This discussion will mimic a report for your project, including a critical analysis of the results.

As a consequence, the study of the rest of the syllabus is postponed one lesson, and we will see clustering on the second class next week. Necessarily, we won't be studying  Social Networks.

Labs are also suffering some changes:
- the first lab next week will be for gradient boosting and multi-layer perceptrons, as planned;
- but the second lab will be used for recovering the study of overfitting and feature selection impact over all the classification techniques;
- the first lab on the following week will be to apply clustering before and after applying PCA
- and the rest keeps unchanged from then on.

Have a good weekend!
Cláudia Antunes