Course kickoff

18 setembro 2020, 16:12 Susana Vieira

Dear students,

Welcome to the Intelligent Systems course on this 1st semester 2020/21.

All the theoretical classes will be given online via ZOOM (please find bellow the necessary information to get access to the classes). The classes will be recorded and made available on the course website.

The practical classes will be “Project based classes” and for that reason, the students will be divided into groups of minimum 2 and maximum of 3 persons. The practical classes are in person, but at most one element of each group should be present in the classroom. I will discuss the projects within the elements of each individual group (at most one element in person and the others by videoconferencing).

The practical class of the first week (24th of September 14h30) will be a Theoretical class via ZOOM as all the other Theoretical classes, and as so none of the students have to be in person in the classroom.

Other questions and doubts can be discussed on the first class on Monday 21st September at 9h!

I wish you all an excellent 1st semester and see you on Monday (if we have enough bandwidth 😊)


ZOOM information can be consulted in the section : ZOOM Class information