
*28th November* - Theoretical and Lab Class *CANCELLED*

28 outubro 2013, 12:34 Sara Madeira

Dear students,

I'm not feeling well now and thus I will not be able to teach the theoretical class starting in a couple of minutes. Sorry for not letting you know before but I was feeling OK just half an hour ago.

Due to this unexpected problem I'm forced to:

1) cancel the theoretical class that should take place now (28/11).

2) cancel the lab class taking place today (28/11) after the theoretical class.

3) since I will not teach the lab today and want all students should start the lab in the same week, I'm cancelling also the two labs taking place tomorrow (29/11).

4) The theorethical class tomorrow (29/11) will take place.

5) Lab#5 will start next week (4th, 5th of November).

Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any doubts.

Sorry again and see you tomorrow,


Lab #5 - Probabilistic Models

23 outubro 2013, 15:54 Sara Madeira

The assessment on probabilistic models is already online. Students should work on this assessment during the next week (including of course the classes taking place on 28th and 29th October). The evaluation will be on the classes of the following week (4th and 5th of November).