
AR Lab Evaluation

17 dezembro 2014, 21:35 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Dear Students,


You may bring the laboratory guides and the corresponding reports in electronic format (in a USB pen) for the evaluation next friday.

Kind regards,

João Ascenso.


Solutions of 1st test

17 dezembro 2014, 14:23 Rui Valadas

...were now published.

Evaluation of the AR Laboratories

15 dezembro 2014, 15:15 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Dear Students,

For the evaluation of the laboratories next Friday, you may bring the published Laboratory Guides and the corresponding reports delivered.

Kind regards,

João Ascenso.

Classifications of 1st test

15 dezembro 2014, 10:25 Rui Valadas

...were now published. Revisions of the classifications will be tomorrow, at 11:00, in office 2-N6.12.

Submission of laboratory nº5

9 dezembro 2014, 11:36 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Dear Students,

Due to some technical problems with fenix, the submisssion of lab nº5 could not be performed as usual. To submit your work you can now perform it until 11/12/2014.

Kind regards,

João Ascenso.