Powerflow eqs in real format and Newton's

4 outubro 2012, 11:00 Luis Marcelino Ferreira


Powerflow eqs in real format

Based on separation of the matrix form of I=YV

Vectors P, Q; Matrices G and B

Polar form: V, theta

Rectangular form: Re(V), Imag(V)

Advantages and disadvantages of polar vs rectangular

Can Newton’s be used in rectangular form?

PV buses: how to handle them

Power flow without a I=YB matrix base: nodal power eqs

Newton’s method and the role of derivatives

Computation of dPi/dthetaj, dPi/dVj, dQi/dthetaj and dQi/dVj

Use (.)/dVj/Vj instead: historical advantages

Assembling J

inv(J) is merely symbolic: do not use it for Newton’s, not even in Matlab

Matrix factorization: review basics

Numerical example of a J