
Licenciatura (5 anos) em Engenharia do Território

Objectivos Gerais

{pt_PT=Quando uma alternativa de decisão é melhor em certos aspectos, mas outra é melhor segundo outros critérios, por qual delas optar? O objectivo de APDP é transmitir conhecimentos metodológicos e técnicos para ajudar a melhorar a tomada de decisões nas organizações públicas e privadas, na indústria e nos serviços, em problemas complexos de avaliação de alternativas, de alocação de recursos e de decisão em grupo. , en_GB=When a decision maker is confronted with two alternatives, one that is best in some characteristics and another that is superior according to a different set of criteria, which should he, or she, choose? The objective of MCDA is to make use of technical and methodological know-how in order to improve the quality of the decisions made by organizations, be they public, private, industry or services, when faced with complex problems such as evaluating alternatives, allocating resources or group decision making.}

Licenciatura (5 anos) em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial

Objectivos Gerais

{pt_PT=When a decision maker is confronted with two alternatives, one that is best in some characteristics and another that is superior according to a different set of criteria, which should he, or she, choose? The objective of MCDA is to make use of technical and methodological know-how in order to improve the quality of the decisions made by organizations, be they public, private, industry or services, when faced with complex problems such as evaluating alternatives, allocating resources or group decision making., en_GB=When a decision maker is confronted with two alternatives, one that is best in some characteristics and another that is superior according to a different set of criteria, which should he, or she, choose? The objective of MCDA is to make use of technical and methodological know-how in order to improve the quality of the decisions made by organizations, be they public, private, industry or services, when faced with complex problems such as evaluating alternatives, allocating resources or group decision making.}

Licenciatura (5 anos) em Engenharia Química

Objectivos Gerais

{pt_PT=Quando uma alternativa de decisão é melhor em certos aspectos, mas outra é melhor segundo outros critérios, por qual delas optar? O objectivo de APDP é transmitir conhecimentos metodológicos e técnicos para ajudar a melhorar a tomada de decisões nas organizações públicas e privadas, na indústria e nos serviços, em problemas complexos de avaliação de alternativas, de alocação de recursos e de decisão em grupo. , en_GB=When a decision maker is confronted with two alternatives, one that is best in some characteristics and another that is superior according to a different set of criteria, which should he, or she, choose? The objective of MCDA is to make use of technical and methodological know-how in order to improve the quality of the decisions made by organizations, be they public, private, industry or services, when faced with complex problems such as evaluating alternatives, allocating resources or group decision making. }