
First mini-test

18 março 2022, 17:08 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The first mini-test will be on the next theoretical lecture, on Monday, March 21st 2022, 15:30, at room FA2.
The topics covered are all that were covered in the lectures so far: Introduction to Ambient Intelligence, Smart Buildings, Smart Homes, X10, DomoBus.

Bring your identification card and a pen.

• The duration of the mini-test is 20 minutes.
The lecture will resume after the end of the mini-test.

• Identify sheets. This is critical, because the answer sheets may be separated.

• Some questions are not the same in different versions of the mini-test.

• The value of the question is presented in squared brackets, e.g., [1v] = worth 1 value in 20.

• In the open-response questions:
o Read all paragraphs of the question before you answer the first one.
o Be objective and concise in your answer. Justify all answers. Use only the space given.
o The exam can be answered in English or in Portuguese.

• In the multiple-choice questions:
o Each question only has one fully correct option. If there is more than one correct answer, choose the stronger statement.
o A question has N options. In your answer, you can select one or more options. However, for each question, the grade is calculated given the options you selected, in the following way:
 The correct option is worth the full value of the question;
 Each incorrect option discounts 1/(N-1) of the value.
o Example:
 For a question with N=4 options, you are undecided between two options, and select both: A and D.
 Assuming the correct answer is A, then the grade is 2/3 of question value(the right option A is worth 3/3 but the wrong option D discounts 1/3)

o Write only capital letters (A, B, C, D, …) and inside the respective answer rectangle.

Wednesday lab

15 março 2022, 16:48 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The lab session of tomorrow, Wednesday, March 16th will exceptionally start at 15:00 instead of the regular time.

The normal start time for the lab session is still at two thirty.

Project proposals

14 março 2022, 19:50 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The project overview, project topic examples, and project feedback page (also for confirmation of group members and topics assigned) are available on the 'Project' section.

The project proposal submission is now open on Fénix.
Proposal documents are due 24 hours after the end of the lab session of the group, this week.
Please bring a draft of the proposal to your lab session to present it and receive feedback.

More information about the proposal available here:

Project group and topic assignments

11 março 2022, 10:14 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

This is the current state of topic assignments to groups. These groups can already get started on their project proposal work.

Other students: enroll the group and select the topic as soon as possible.

Project topics preferences

10 março 2022, 00:53 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

To assure that there is a good distribution of project topics, we ask each group to sort the preference for the four topic areas: (1) smart buildings, (2) industry & supply chain, (3) smart cities, and (4) assisted living; according to the group preference

Go to the Sort Form

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