• Test-2 will be held on 25.06 at 15h00AM via the Moodle platform (with identification and doubts on Zoom) 
  • Zoom link will be posted on Moodle!
  • The test duration is 1h30 minutes (on 25.06, from 15h00 to 16h30)
  • The test is structured in 6 sections (sections A, B, C, D, E and F), each with 2 to 3 questions of the following two types: multiple-choice and open questions (where it is required to insert the answer in the text box)
  • The duration of each section is 15 minutes. Each section will be opened ONLY during a predefined time period (see figure below). Do NOT open the same section in multiple windows/tabs!
  • The students are also allowed to proceed to the next section 5 minutes earlier. This option permits the student, provided that he/she had completed the previous section in 10 minutes, to immediately proceed to the next section, thus accumulating the 5 minutes saved from the previous section (in other words, like this you can have 20 minutes for some other section).
  • For each section, each student will be assigned with a set of randomly chosen questions (from a question bank). As such, each student will receive a different test. However, the difficulty of these tests is the same!
  • To finish (submit) a section, the students should click "Submit" (after filling all the answers), in order to allow the platform to save the answers. When the time expires, the section might be automatically submitted by the platform, but it is better not to rely on this functionality. Once the section is submitted, you can't re-open it or re-review it.
  • Upon submitting a section, you can move to the next one by clicking on the title of the next section in the bottom left corner. You can also access the test sections from the left menu.  
  • To facilitate the resolution of some problems, it is advisable to have pen and paper ready (e.g., to perform some calculations). 
  • For open questions: Some of the text boxes will have already pre-filled text, e.g., certain answer templates or some lines of code. Be careful when editing this text: once you delete it, there is no way to retrieve the previous content! For HTML tables: Avoid copy/paste operations, since they might deformat the HTML table, i.e., fill each entry manually.
  • Use the option "Não quero responder" in some multiple-choice questions in order to avoid penalization.

  • During the evaluation, I will be available on Zoom for any additional clarifications. Zoom link will be provided on Moodle. 
  • Please use the private chat on Zoom for any doubts, in order not to disturb other students during the evaluation.
  • For identification purposes, we will need to use webcam + mic. Naturally, you are free to mute your speakers, but mic should be on (unless otherwise is stated)
  • VERY IMPORTANT: To avoid any delays or unexpected log-in situations, it is highly recommended that each student makes the log-in to Zoom and Moodle (using your Fenix credentials) way before the start of the evaluation (e.g., starting from 14h30)