
Revisão de provas do Exame 2

28 fevereiro 2022, 08:38 Jorge Salvador Marques

Bom dia/ Good morning,

A revisão de provas do Exame 2 é no dia 2 de Março às 9h na sala 5.15.

Students wishing to see their solution of Exam 2 should appear in March 2, 9:00 at Room 5.15.

Best regards, 
Jorge Marques 

Exame 2

24 fevereiro 2022, 16:00 Jorge Salvador Marques

Os estudantes inscritos no Exame 2 deverão comparecer na sala C01.

Students enrolled in Exam 2 should appear in room C01.

2nd exam / exame de 2ª época

15 fevereiro 2022, 14:59 Jorge Salvador Marques

Dear all, 

 Students wishing to attend the 2nd exam of Machine Learning should enrol through fenix web page from 16/2 (7:00) til 23/2 (16:00). 

 Best regards, 
Jorge Marques 

 Caros alunos, 

Os alunos interessados em fazer o exame de 2ª época de Aprendizagem Automática devem inscrever-se através do fenix de 16/2 (7:00) até 23/2 (16:00). 
Jorge Marques

Final grades

10 dezembro 2021, 09:35 Jorge Salvador Marques

Caros estudantes, 

 Peço que verifiquem as vossas notas finais de AA (fenix), até dia 15 de Dezembro e que me avisem se detectarem algum erro. 

Please check your final ML grades (fenix) by December 15th and let me know if you detect any errors. 

Best regards,
Jorge Marques

Exam scores and final grades

30 novembro 2021, 11:49 Jorge Salvador Marques


The exam scores are available as well as the final grades (fenix web page: section scoring and exams).If you have any significant doubt concerning these values please contact Prof. Jorge Marques by email until Friday (Dec. 3).

Congratulations if you have passed and most important if you have learned how to solve Machine Learning problems.

The teaching team.