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Talk by Paula Alexandra Silva_Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University

14 novembro 2017, 10:38 - Lucília Abreu

Title: Adapting the Studio Based Learning Methodology to Computer Science Education

Speaker: Paula Alexandra Silva_Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University

Date: November 22th 2017

Time: 12:00

Location: Av. Prof. Doutor Cavaco Silva, Room 2.10 IST_Taguspark_Oeiras


Recent research projects have depicted Studio-Based Learning as a successful approach to teaching computer science students. This talk will describe using Studio-Based Learning as a pedagogical approach in an online introductory Computer Science 1 (CS1) course. The studio-based instructional model emphasizes learning activities in which students (a) construct personalized solutions to assigned computing problems, and (b) present solutions to their instructors and peers for feedback and discussion within the context of design critiques. For SBL to be effective, assignments to be critiqued must be solvable by a variety of thinking paths. Building upon the identification of students’ most frequent programming errors, we implemented SBL sessions and analyzed the impacts compared to sessions that did not employ the SBL methodology. The online nature of this class allowed for a rich collection of data and the integral recording of the sessions. In addition to the students’ performance, motivation and perception of their learning process, the analysis of this data provided insight into students’ thought processes.


Paula Alexandra Silva is a Human-Computer Interaction researcher and practitioner, who focuses on designing user interfaces for older adults. She is also a passionate teacher and has lectured on HCI-related courses. Currently, she is a lecturer in Design Innovation at the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University, Ireland. She has held appointments at a number of Universities and has more than 10 years of experience teaching a diversity of courses and supervising students. Paula Alexandra Silva is interested in user experience for everyday life and common good and in conducting research that focuses on designing for special target audiences. She is currently compelled by: design and evaluation of user interfaces for older adults, touch and gestures, games and gamification, well-being, creativity and innovation.