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MEIC-A: SAM: Service Oriented Architecture Maturity Modeling

16 março 2015, 14:28 - Fátima Sampaio

Dissertação: SAM: Service Oriented Architecture Maturity Modeling

Candidato: Nº 76798 Ângelo Miguel Belchior Tomé Pilão

Presidente: Professor Ernesto José Marques Morgado

Orientador: Professor André Ferreira Ferrão Couto e Vasconcelos

Coorientador: Professor Miguel Leitão Bignolas Mira da Silva

Vogal: Professor Pedro Manuel Moreira Vaz Antunes de Sousa 

Data: 24/03/2015 - 11:15h / Sala de Reuniões 2, Porta 0.19, Pavilhão de Informática II, IST, Alameda

Abstract: Now-a-days, organizations have becoming more dependent if Information Systems (IS), to improve their business process, frequently acquiring new services. Concerns about application integration are becoming even more relevant, as there is a need, from the organization’s part, to know when a new service will be acquired, which information system will support it and how it will support existing systems. Integration in applications sometimes fail because there is no concern in alienation between enterprise architecture and the architecture of information technology. There are some methodologies created to evaluate which maturity level the integration of services are in, but the majority of AQ’s are generic. To address this problem, we propose the creation of a set of response criteria for each AQ to the OSIMM maturity model to improve its evaluation method. Based on the results of the AQ, we can get the level of integration of services for each dimension and we can define the strategy, the roadmap that we want to set for our organization and what the benefits of this implementation, if necessary. As research method, we will use the Design Science Research (DSRM) and for the evaluation results we will do interviews and questionnaires, also taking into account the comments by the scientific community and the principles of Österle.