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DEI às Quartas | Talk by Prof. Guenther Ruhe

28 maio 2018, 10:20 - Luís Revez

Title: Asymmetric release planning

Abstract: As part of software evolution, release planning is the process of deciding which features should be offered, which one should be revised and which ones not offered or revised in the upcoming product releases. With multiple explicit and implicit objectives and constraints, the problem in known to be inherently difficult. All the existing systematic approaches assume a symmetry between customer satisfaction in case of delivery and non-satisfaction is case of non-delivery of features. However, this symmetry assumption is not valid in general.

This talk presents the modeling, design and analysis of a solution approach for asymmetric release planning. The problem is formulated as bi-criterion optimization and solved with specialized integer linear programming. The approach is illustrated and initially evaluated by an industrial case study. Related and future research in that area is discussed.

Short bio: Guenther Ruhe holds an Industrial Research Chair in Software Engineering at University of Calgary. Dr. Ruhe received a doctorate habil. nat. degree (Computer Science) from University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. From 1996 until 2001, he was the deputy director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering Fh IESE. Since 2016, he serves as the Editor in Chief of the journal of Information and Software Technology, published by Elsevier. His main research interests are in the areas of Product Release Planning, Requirements Engineering, Software Project Management, Decision Support, Data Analytics, Empirical Software Engineering as well as Search-based Software Engineering. He is a Senior member of IEEE and a member of the ACM. Dr. Ruhe is the Founder and CEO of Expert Decisions Inc., a University of Calgary spin-off company created in 2003. He in the General Chair of the upcoming Requirements Engineering conference RE’18 in August 2018 in Banff.

Date: June 06 13:30pm

Location: Room 0.19 (Informática II building)