Disciplina Curricular

Tópicos Avançados em Telecomunicações I TAT-I

Diploma de Estudos Avançados em Engenharia e Políticas Públicas - DEAEPP2008


Grupo: DEAEPP2008 > 3º Ciclo > Telecomunicações


Grupo: DEAEPP2008 > 3º Ciclo > Telecomunicações


Grupo: DEAEPP2008 > 3º Ciclo > Engenharia



6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Introduce fundamentals of research in telecommunications management and policy analysis.


This course covers a number of fundamental techniques that allow for a better understanding of how to develop research in Engineering and Public Policy. Special emphasis will be given to research applied to Networked Infrastructures. Examples will be primarily drawn from the Telecommunications Industry. Classes will follow a seminar-like approach. Papers from international journals and excerpts from selected books will be discussed. Topics to be discussed include (but are not limited to): Industry structure and the value added of new information services; Principles for next generation networks, all-IP networks; The challenge of convergence to policy making; Open access networks and network neutrality; Quality of service and associated pricing models; Broadband diffusion, universal service policy and IT for development; Collaborative paradigms: grid computing, virtual organizations and e-science policy; Social networks, virtual communities and the new challenges of privacy policy; The Internet of things, sensor networks, ambient assisted living; New challenges for information security policy.

Metodologia de avaliação

Presentation and discussion in class of readings (50%); Term-paper (50%)

Disciplinas Execução

2023/2024 - 2º semestre

2023/2024 - 1º semestre

2021/2022 - 2º Semestre

2021/2022 - 1º Semestre

2020/2021 - 2º Semestre

2020/2021 - 1º Semestre

2019/2020 - 2º Semestre

2019/2020 - 1º Semestre

2018/2019 - 2ºSemestre

2018/2019 - 1ºSemestre

2017/2018 - 2ºSemestre

2017/2018 - 1ºSemestre

2016/2017 - 2ºSemestre

2016/2017 - 1ºSemestre

2015/2016 - 2º Semestre

2015/2016 - 1º Semestre

2014/2015 - 1º Semestre

2013/2014 - 1 Semestre

2012/2013 - 1 Semestre

2011/2012 - 1 Semestre

2010/2011 - 1 Semestre

2009/2010 - 1 Semestre

2008/2009 - 1 Semestre