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Seminário do CEG-IST

6 março 2019, 12:42 - Fátima Jacinto

Data: 14 de Março de 2019 (5.ª feira), das 14:30 às 15:30

Local: Anfiteatro VA3 (Pav. de Engª Civil)

Tema: Decentralized Matching Markets With(out) Frictions: A Laboratory Experiment

Palestrante: Joana Pais - Professora Associada do ISEG - U. Lisboa e Associada do Institute of Public Policy


Resumo: In a series of laboratory experiments, we explore the impact of different market features (the level of information, search costs, and the level of commitment) on agents’ behavior and on the outcome of decentralized matching markets. In our experiments, subjects on each side of the market actively search for a partner, make proposals, and are free to accept or reject any proposal received at any time throughout the game. Our results suggest that a low information level does not affect the stability or the efficiency of the final outcome, although it boosts market activity, unless coupled with search costs.

 Search costs have a significant negative impact on stability and on market activity. Finally, commitment harms stability slightly but acts as a disciplinary device to market activity and is associated with higher efficiency levels of the final outcome.


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