General scientific areas
- Crystallography
- Inorganic, Bioinorganic, Analytical, Coordination, Organometallic and Organic Chemistries
- Sustainable Catalysis
- Molecular Electrochemistry
Specific Areas
- Crystal engineering of coordination compounds, self-assembly of polynuclear and supramolecular structures, transition metal coordination chemistry
- Non-covalent interactions
- Chemical and electrochemical investigation of the coordination and activation of small molecules with biological, environmental, pharmacological or industrial significance (carbon dioxide, alkanes, alkynes, cyanamides, nitriles, cyanides, isonitriles, diazo compounds, azides, dinitrogen, or derived species)
- Development of inorganic models of biological processes (e.g., of amavadin, of particulate methanomonooxigenase and of nitrogenase)
- Mechanistic studies of fast reactions or electrode processes
- Conventional molecular electrochemistry (cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis)
- Non-conventional molecular electrochemistry (use of ultramicroelectrodes in fast cyclic voltammetry; methods of digital simulation of cylic voltammetry and their application in mechanistic studies of electrode processes of fast reactions induced by electron-transfer, in electrocatalyses, etc.)
- Stopped-flow spectrophotometry
- Mass spectrometry
- Investigation of the redox properties of inorganic, coordination or organic compounds and establishment of potential-structure relationships
- Development of electrocatalytic systems of interest in biology and in organic synthesis