Media and Public Outreach

I was selected as one of the BBC's Expert Women.

I had the honour to have my portrait sketched for the Royal Society exhibit about women in science (Summer 2013).

I was selected as one of the "10 Personalities of the year 2013" by newspaper P3 (Jornal Público) (December 2013).

I was selected as one of "11 Portuguese out of time" by Jornal Público (March 2015).

I was selected as one of the "Women in Science" by the Portuguese Agency of Science and Technology Ciência Viva (March 2016).

I was a TEDxPorto speaker (April 2017).

I was selected as one of the "8 Women in STEM who are changing the space game" by American magazine Bustle (February 2018).

I was mentioned as one of the world's leading specialists in astrobiology by Portuguese Magazine Executiva (April 2018).      

I received a Barbie Award 2018 on the International Girl Child Day, for being an inspiration to girls ([1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]). This is part of a worldwide project by Mattel that aims to identify women who can be role models for future women (October 2018).

My Twitter account is @ZitaMartins

My work has appeared on TV, Radio, Newspapers and Magazines, and I have given public talks in Museums, Festivals and Schools. Recent activities include:


Dinheiro Vivo

Public talk for the Frontier Knowledge initiative, programme Santander Universidades, Nova School of Business and Economics (SBE)

Rádio Renascença

DN Insider

1864 (Diário de Notícias)


SIC (Admirável Mundo Novo)

DN Insider

Marte 2030

Diário de Notícias

Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva de Aveiro

Os Dias do Futuro (Antena 1)


5ª edição da Conferência de Professores EspAciais, ESERO Portugal

Event of Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos "O Trabalho dá que pensar"

Diário de Notícias


2ª Academia de Verão de Aprendizagem e Olimpíadas Científicas

Observador Newspaper

Public talk at Book Fair Braga 2018

Observador Newspaper

Visit to school "Escola Básica do 1º Ciclo com Jardim de Infância do Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães" (Portugal). This was part of the eTwinning project "Is the scientist a woman or a man?". 

Opening text for the newsletter of the Global Portuguese Scientists (GPS) with the title ?O desafio do sistema científico português?.

Moderated a panel on "What is the school? Diversity of learning, people, styles, cultures ..." at the II Meeting of School Flexibility Projects (Portugal), accredited by the Scientific and Pedagogical Council of Continuing Vocational Training (CCPFC / ACC-100443/18).

Public talk at the Calouste Gulbenkian Planetarium - Centro Ciência Viva.

Falar Global (min. 11:40)

Mulheres na Ciência, evento organizado pelo Pavilhão do Conhecimento - Centro Ciência Viva

Revista Visão

"Conversa com..." inserido no HAC de Aprendizagem Científica, to fulfil the intellectual and creative potential of high-school students.

Festival Antena 2 Explorar o Universo - Viver Fora da Terra (Video)

Chicas Poderosas (Antena 3)

Os Dias do Futuro (Antena 1)



BBC Radio 4 show "Silicon - The World's Building Block" (min. 22:50)


Revista E do Expresso

New Scientist Event

Falar Global

Design the Future

Sociedade Civil (RTP2)

Correio da Manhã

Diário de Notícias


EU Space Awareness

Costa Blanca Astronomical Society

Rómulo de Carvalho

Scientific adviser on the Intergalactic Travel Bureau show with the the support of the UK Space Agency and the Wellcome Trust

William Perkin High-School

I was the jury of the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)/GOLDSCHMIDT Wild Orbit Cinema 2017 [1] [2]


90 segundos de Ciência

BBC Radio4 show ?Inside Science?

Royal Society Podcast

Microbiology Society YouTube

Agora Nós (RTP1) (min. 13:30)

Expresso (Portuguese)

Cutting Edge Classrooms CPD (support teachers from both primary and secondary level), Royal Society

New Scientist Live

Café Scientifique, Royal Society

Imperial Festival (May 2016) 

Royal Society Belfast Science Cafe


ITV News


BBC News

Pagina 2 (RTP2)

BBC Radio 5 live

Notícias Magazine (Portuguese)

The Scientific 23

Jornal i e Ciência Viva

Imperial College Children's Christmas lecture

2.ª Conferência de Professores EspAciais - ESERO PT

Cheltenham Science Festival

Pint of Science

Planetário do Porto


The Sky at Night (BBC4) (min 28:40)

Science Weekly (The Guardian)

Tap Up Magazine
Reach Out CPD (support primary school teachers)

Edinburgh Science Festival, with Adam Rutherford and Richard Wiseman


Horizon Documentary (BBC2)

Jornal Nacional da TV Globo (Brazil)

Royal Society YouTube

Sky News Sunrise

Australian Broadcasting Company - ABC

The Guardian 

Time Magazine



Jornal Público (Portuguese)

Jornal Expresso (Portuguese)

New Scientist

Discovery News

Fox News

NBC News

The Times

The Independent

Financial Times

LA Times


Science Daily

The Scotsman

Herald Sun Australia

Daily Mail

Diário de Noticias


Jornal de Noticias

Europa Press

El Economista


Welt der Physik


Radio Television of Serbia (RTS)



Science World Report

Science News

Nature World News

Top News New Zealand

The Times of India

The Telegraph

The Guardian


P3 (Jornal Público)

All-Russia Science Festival

Hay Festival

National Science & Engineering week


R.Science podcast (Royal Society)

Journal i (Portuguese)




Nature Live at the NHM

European Researchers? Night at the NHM


Friends of Imperial College lecture

Café Scientifique at the Royal Society

Seven wonders of the Microbe World

Portugueses sem Fronteiras (RTP2) (min 8:53)

Science Weekly (The Guardian)

Pública (Jornal Público) (page 63)


Sky at Night

The Sunday Times magazine



The Guardian

Wellcome Trust

European Researchers? Night at the NHM

Ewell Astronomical Society

Big Bang Fair (Big Bang Balloon Debate)



Bang Goes the Theory (BBC One)

The Cell (BBC Four) (Ep. 3 Min 33:30)

Science Weekly (The Guardian)

Sci-Fi London (Panel discussion at the ROG)

Slideshow for a temporary exhibition at the ROG

Nature Live at the NHM

Programa Bairro Alto (RTP2)

4 x Ciência (RTPN)

Pessoal... e Transmissível (TSF)

Jornal i (Portuguese) (July 2009)

Up - TAP Magazine (Portuguese)


Channel 4 News

NTV Broadcasting company (Russian TV)


Mexican TV

Leading Edge (BBC Radio 4)

Science Update (AAAS Radio)

Discover magazine (Top 100 Stories of 2008)

 Oje (Portuguese) (Page 8)


National Geographic News

Scientific American

The Independent

The Telegraph

Diário de Notícias