1.        [17/20] Santos, G. "Do PPP hospitals outperform the corporatized ones?". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

2.        [19/20] Matos, R. “Análise económico-financeira dos hospitais EPE portugueses” (Economic and financial analysis of Portuguese EPE hospitals). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

3.        [18/20] Grilo, S. “Avaliação de desempenho de unidades privadas de cuidados de saúde: O caso do grupo José de Mello Saúde, S.A.” (Performance evaluation of private healthcare units: The case of the José de Mello Saúde, S.A.). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira, J.R. Figueira, and J. Leal (José de Mello Saúde, S.A.)

4.        [17/20] Graça, R. "Are Portuguese hospitals suitably clustered according to their activity, quality, access, and expenses? An exploratory analysis on behalf of financial sustainability". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira, A.M. Nunes, and R. Henriques

5.        [17/20] Ambrósio, S. “Monitorização e previsão do desempenho hospitalar em Portugal” (Monitoring and forecasting hospital performance in Portugal). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A.M. Nunes

6.        [18/20] Amado, G. "Analyzing the vertical merging of Portuguese health care providers". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A.M. Nunes

7.        [18/20] Heitor, N. "Public-private partnerships in healthcare: A critical analysis to the project and contract management". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A. Arantes

8.        [18/20] Lopes, M.M. “Construção de indicadores compósitos com vista a avaliação dos hospitais portugueses, tendo em conta critérios sociais e económico-financeiros” (Construction of composite indicators for the assessment of Portuguese hospitals, taking into account social and economic-financial criteria). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J.R. Figueira

9.        [14/20] Fortuny, S. "On establishing the additive value functions compatible with the public Portuguese hospitals' quality, efficiency, and access related criteria". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J.R. Figueira

10.   [19/20] Vieira, I. “A satisfação e a lealdade dos consumidores de cuidados de saúde: Análise e comparação de diferentes alternativas para o mesmo fim” (Satisfaction and loyalty of healthcare customers: Analysis and comparison of different alternatives for the same purpose). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

11.   [19/20] Gomes, A.C. Healthcare and the creation of public value: A critical analysis of the Portuguese National Health Service. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J.R. Figueira

12.   [19/20] Amaral, C. “Sustentabilidade e eficiência na gestão de resíduos dos municípios portugueses” (Sustainability and efficiency in waste management in Portuguese municipalities). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

13.   [14/20] Anjos, A. “Criação de valor para a sociedade através de parcerias público-privadas na saúde: mito ou realidade?” (Creating value for society through public-private partnerships in health: myth or reality?). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J.R. Figueira

14.   [18/20] Mano, J. “Eficiência no setor do turismo: Uma análise conceptual do desempenho a nível internacional” (Efficiency in the tourism sector: A conceptual analysis of international performance). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

15.   [17/20] Pinto, C. “Optimization of annual payments due to public hospitals in Portugal accounting for their performance and operational environment”. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A.S. Costa

16.   [18/20] Afonso, L.G. “A network-DEA model to evaluate the impact of quality and access on performance of hospitals”. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J.R. Figueira

17.   [16/20] Pimentão, N. “Satisfação no setor do turismo: Uma análise bibliométrica aplicada ao setor hoteleiro” (Satisfaction in the tourism sector: A bibliometric analysis applied to the hotel sector). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

18.   [19/20] Plank, P. “Travellers perceived risks in international travel in the current pandemic situation”. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and L. Gomes (School of Economics, University of Algarve)

19.   [10/20] Carvalho, A.C. "Assessing the economic impact of pandemic outbreaks". Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

20.   [17/20] Ramos, R. “Inpatient satisfaction: A literature review based on a meta-analysis”. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

21.   [14/20] Jesus, M. “Satisfação na prestação de cuidados saúde: Uma revisão sistemática da bibliografia” (Satisfaction in health care provision: A systematic review of the literature). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and M.I. Pedro

22.   [16/20] Sotomaior, S. “Quality in healthcare: A systematic literature review applied to hospital care”. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A.S. Costa

23.   [15/20] Delgado, A. “Resposta socioinstitucional ao contexto de pandemia: Análise a partir da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa” (Socio-institutional response to the pandemic context: Analysis from the Lisbon Metropolitan Area). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and J. Gonçalves

24.   [17/20] Mira, J. “Melhoria de processos num hospital público com recurso a simulação por eventos discretos” (Process improvement in a public hospital using discrete event simulation). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and A.M. Nunes

25.   [18/20] Sousa, J.F. “Políticas de minimização do impacto socio-económico do SARS-COVID-19: Uma comparação internacional” (Policies to minimize the socio-economic impact of SARS-COVID-19: An international comparison). Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and P. Caldas

26.   Delgado, A. “Desempenho dos países no desenvolvimento da indústria e da economia e na erradicação da pobreza: Uma abordagem de benchmarking aplicada aos ODSs 1, 8 e 9” [Country performance in industrial and economic development and poverty eradication: A benchmarking approach applied to SDGs 1, 8 and 9]. Supervised by D.C. Ferreira and P. Caldas

27. São Pedro, G. “Operations improvement interconnecting lean, simulation and statistical tools”. Supervised by A. Arantes and D.C. Ferreira