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- Vítor Geraldes, Aykut Anil, Maria Norberta de Pinho, Elizabeth Duarte "Dissolved Air Flotation of Surface Water for Spiral-wound Module Nanofiltration Pre-treatment" Desalination, 228 (2008) 191-199
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- M.A. Tavares Cardoso, V. Geraldes, J.M.S. Cabral, A.M.F. Palavra, "Characterization of minocycline powder micronized by a supercritical antisolvent (SAS) process" " J. of Supercitical Fluids, 46 (2008) 71-76.
- Vítor Geraldes, Ana Maria Alves "Computer program for simulation of mass transport in nanofiltration membranes" Journal of Membrane Science 2008, 321(2) (2008) 172-182.
- Santos F.R., Catarino I., Geraldes V., and de Pinho M.N "Concentration and Rectification of Grape Must by Nanofiltration" Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 59 (4) (2008) 446-450.
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- M.A. Tavares Cardoso, J.M.S. Cabral, A.M.F. Palavra, V. Geraldes "CFD analysis of supercritical antisolvent (SAS) micronization of minocycline hydrochloride" The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 47 (2) (2008) 247-258.
- Patrícia A.M.H. Soares, Vítor Geraldes, Cristina Fernandes, Paulo Cameira dos Santos, and Maria Norberta de Pinho "Wine Tartaric Stabilization by Electrodialysis: Prediction of Required Deionization Degree", Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 60:2 (2009) 183-188.
- V. Geraldes, M. Minhalma, M. N. de Pinho, A. Anil, H. Ozgunay, B. Oral Bitlisli and O. Sari "Nanofiltration of Cork Wastewaters and Their Possible Use in Leather Industry as Tanning Agents" Polish J. of Environ. Stud. Vol. 18, No 3 (2009), 353-357
- Maria Diná Afonso and Vítor Geraldes "Electric-field-driven transport of valence-asymmetric salts within stagnant fluid films" Desalination and Water Treatment Science and Engineering, 8 (1-3) (2009) (221-224)
- C. Rodrigues, A.I. Cavaco Morão, M.N. de Pinho and V. Geraldes "On the prediction of permeate flux for nanofiltration of concentrated aqueous solutions with thin-film composite polyamide membranes" Journal of Membrane Science, 346(1) (2010) 1-7.
- J.L.C. Santos, V. Geraldes, S. Velizarov and J.G. Crespo "Characterization of fluid dynamics and mass-transfer in an electrochemical oxidation cell by experimental and CFD studies" Chemical Engineering Journal, 157 (2010) 379-392.
- André Almeida, Vítor Geraldes, Viriato Semiao "Microflow hydrodynamics in slits: Effects of the walls relative roughness and spacer inter-filaments distance" Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (2010) 3660–3670.
- Maria Diná Afonso and Vítor Geraldes "Limiting current density in the Electrodialysis of multi-ionic solutions" Journal of Membrane Science, 360 (1-2) (2010) 499-508.
- Rodrigues Miguel A.; Padrela Luis; Geraldes Vitor; José Santos, Henrique A. Matos, Edmundo Gomes Azevedo "Theophylline polymorphs by atomization of supercritical antisolvent induced suspensions" JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS 58 (2) (2011) 303-312. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2011.05.012
- Silva V.; Geraldes V.; Alves A. M. Brites; L. Palacio, P. Prádanos, A. Hernández a, "Multi-ionic nanofiltration of highly concentrated salt mixtures in the seawater range" DESALINATION 277 (1-3) (2011) 29-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.desal.2011.03.088
- Monica Faria, Vítor Geraldes, and Maria Norberta de Pinho "Surface Characterization of Asymmetric Bi-Soft Segment Poly(ester urethane urea) Membranes for Blood-Oxygenation Medical Devices" International Journal of Biomaterials, Vol. 2012, Article ID 376321, 9 pages.
- Carina Rodrigues, Vítor Geraldes, Maria Norberta de Pinho, Viriato Semiao " Mass-transfer entrance effects in narrow rectangular channels with ribbed walls or mesh-type spacers" Chemical Engineering Science 78 (2012) 38–45.
- Rodrigues, Miguel A., Gustavo Balzan, Mónica Rosa, Diana Gomes, Edmundo G. de Azevedo, Satish K. Singh, Henrique A. Matos, and Vítor Geraldes. "The importance of heat flow direction for reproducible and homogeneous freezing of bulk protein solutions." Biotechnology progress (2013).
- Rosa, Mónica, Carlos Lopes, Eduardo P. Melo, Satish K. Singh, Vitor Geraldes, and Miguel A. Rodrigues. "Measuring and Modeling Hemoglobin Aggregation below the Freezing Temperature." The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, no. 30 (2013): 8939-8946.
- Ana Resende, Sofia Catarino, Vítor Geraldes, and Maria de Pinho. "Separation and Purification by Ultrafiltration of White Wine High Molecular Weight Polysaccharides." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52, no. 26 (2013): 8875-8879.
- Carina Rodrigues, Vitor Geraldes, Maria Norberta de Pinho, Viriato Semiao "Concentration boundary layer visualization in NF/RO by holographic interferometry with light deflection correction" Journal of Membrane Science, 447 (2013): 306-314.
- Carlos Completo, Vítor Geraldes, and Viriato Semiao. "Rheological and dynamical characterization of blood analogue flows in a slit." International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 46 (2014): 17-28.