Introduction to Stochastic Processes (new book)
- Stochastic Processes: Theory, Examples & Exercises
Buying it on-line at IST Press
This IST PRESS book can be found in other bookshops (Almedina, Bertrand, FNAC, Wook, etc.).
This is the first volume of the Yellow Series (or Science & Technology Series) of IST Press.
To reduce the price of this book and promote the dissemination of knowledge at reasonable prices, the author will not receive any fees from its sale.
Probability and Statistics (book in Portuguese)
- Probabilidades e Estatística: Teoria, Exemplos & Exercícios (1st/2nd edition)
Buying it on-line at IST Press
This IST PRESS book can be found in other bookshops (Almedina, Bertrand, Fnac, Wook, etc.).
Once more, to reduce the price of this book and promote the dissemination of knowledge at reasonable prices, the author will not receive any fees from its sale.
Erratum: 1st edition; 2nd edition.
Computational Statistics (in Portuguese)
Estatística Computacional - Módulo 1: Notas de Apoio
Complements of Probability and Statistics (in Portuguese)
Notas de Apoio de Complementos de Probabilidades e Estatística
Probability Theory
Lecture Notes - Probability Theory
Reliability and Quality Control (in Portuguese)
Notas de Apoio de Fiabilidade e Controlo de Qualidade