Since 1998 to the present, I have developed an occupation of consulting services in several areas. Initially the focus was the area of ​​SW Engineering (SWE), then went to the area of ​​Information Systems Architecture (ISA) and more recently the focus is on Enterprise Architecture (EA). Next follows the list of the main companies grouped  by consultancy area. Non Portuguese companies are indicated with the nationality between brackets.

Enterprise Architecture Services in

Eletricidade de Portugal, Schufa (Germany), Seguros Fidelidade, Portugal Telecom, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Petrobras (Brazilian), Sonae Group, Banco Português de Investimento, Serasa Experience (Brazilian), AMA – Portugueses Government, Banco Votorantin (Brazilian), Banco Santander (Brazilian), European Investment Fund (Luxembug), Espírito Santo Informática, ANA – Aeroportos de Portugal, European Investment Bank (Luxembug), Modelo e Continentes Supermercados – SonaeMCH, Otimus - SonaeCOM, Hospitais Universitários de Coimbra.

Information Systems Architecture Services in

Instituto dos Vinhos do Douro e Porto, Grupo Jorge Sá  Storaenso Celbi, Portugal Telelecom, Ordem de Engenheiros, Companhia industrial de Resinas Sintéticas, Aliança Florestal, Policia Judiciária, Telecel, Moviflor,  Portucel, Instituto de Seguros de Portugal.

Software Engineering Services in

Ministério da Economia e da Inovação, Portugal Telelecom, Axa Seguros, Mercedes Benz Financiamento, Novis, Gerónimo Martins,  BizDirect,  INFARMED, Instituto de Informática do Ministério das Finanças,  Hellwet Packard  (USA), Marinha Portuguesa, Edinfor, Lisnave.