CaReCI Seminar Oral Presentations 8 October 2019
Program (pdf)
Group photography
1 - Plenary Lecture: The role of ProcessIntegration in the GHG and Haze/Smog Emissions Reduction (Jiří KLEMEŠ)
4 - CaReCI Project: Modeling the Performance of CaO-Based Sorbents During Multiple Ca-Looping Cycles for CO2 Post-Combustion Capture (Rui Filipe)
7 - Capturing CO2 with Adsorbent Materials (Moisés Pinto)
10 - Nanostructured f-Block Element Bimetallic Oxides as Catalysts for the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide (Ana Cristina Ferreira)
11 - Assessing the Potential Application of Zeolite-Based Catalysts in Power-to-Gas: Advantages and Main Drawbacks (Carmen Bacariza)
12 - Net4CO2- Network for a Sustainable CO2 Economy (Carlos Martins de Andrade)
13 - C5Lab - Sustainable Construction Materials Association: A Challenge to the Future (Rogério Colaço)
14 - Final Remarks (Carla Pinheiro)
- PROGRAM_Seminar_CaReCI_project_IST_Lisboa_8Oct_2019_final.pdf
- 1_PlenaryLecture_JiriKlemes_CaReCISeminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 2_Opening_CarlaPinheiro_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 3_PaulaTeixeira_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 4_RuiFilipe_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 5-HenriqueMatos_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 6_PauloRocha_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 8_IsabelMarrucho_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 9_MargaridaMateus_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 10_AnaCFerreira_CaReCI_Project_Seminar_8Oct2019_IST.pdf
- 11_CarmenBacariza_et_al-2019-paperChemCatChem_CaReCIProjectSeminar_IST.pdf
- Foto_Seminar_8October2019.jpg