To do very soon...
5 setembro 2024, 18:03 • Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves
Tomorrow at 9:00 you will be able to create your group for the labs/projects here in Fenix. The groups are of three students, no more no less. You create your group with member all from the same lab schedule (and in that schedule, of course). We expect you to reach your first lab class next week with your group already defined. Students without groups will be pseudo-randomly merged into one at the start of the first class by the lab professor.
I've also just enrolled everyone in the Moodle page for the course. This will be the final update/post in Fenix. From now on, everything will happen on Moodle. Head on there and please complete your profile and add a photo. Do note that some students have really empty profiles (no name or anything) so you must fix this. There are a few without a proper email address (I just made up something to allow the enrollment) so check if that's your case and fix it as well.