
Regarding the use of libraries in the project

12 novembro 2019, 14:54 Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves

As you know, the baseline requirement for the project is that you use D3 version 5. Of course, there are many other javascript libraries out there. So, can you use them?

If we're talking about general purpose libraries such as Bootstrap, or even helper libs. to help with the data (crossfilter, etc.) then yes. 
On the other hand, there are several libraries that build on top of D3 to help create the visualizations themselves. For those libraries, generically, the answer is no.

There are two main reasons for this. The first is that most of them were created based on other versions of D3, not version 5. As such, you would not be fulfilling the baseline requirement. 

The second and more important reason is that by using those libraries, you are limiting yourselves.Most of those libraries offer "canned visualizations". Something along the lines of "call one function to draw an entire viz". This may even be what drew you to them in the first place. The problem with canned visualizations is that now you are limited to what the library allows you to create, to customize. No longer will you be designing the best solution for the questions you have. You will be designing the possible solution for what the library allows. This (in case it needs to be said) is bad! D3 is a programming framework, you can do "everything" using it. You can design the best possible way to show the data. Do not limit yourselves with canned visualizations. Otherwise, the often repeated exchange of 

Student: why did I get such a low grde?

Professor: well, to answer your question it would have been better if you had highlighted the item|added a line for reference|allowed multiple selection|etc.

Student: We intended to, but the library didn't allow it|

will happen again. That will never be a valid excuse in this course. As stated above, D3 allows you to do "everything".

So, long story short: libraries such as the ones mentioned above (ex: nv3d, d3plus, etc.) are out of limits. 

Now, there are some libraries that extend D3. That make it easier to draw a map, or to place labels, etc. Those are not canned vis. Those are d3 modules, d3 extensions. Those will still require you to craft the visualization itself, but facilitate some part of it. They might be usable. As a rule of thumb, if you're still doing everything in D3, no "canned viz", and are using those libs as D3 extensions, it may be ok.

How do you find out? Always ask the professor in the labs. They'll have the final say regarding whether some lib is usable or not. Penalties will apply for using non-approved libraries.

Labs - 6a14h00 - New Schedule

31 outubro 2019, 11:05 João Moreira

Today’s class will be at 16h00 in VA4.

Aula teórica de hoje

7 outubro 2019, 08:59 Sandra Pereira Gama

Caros alunos do Tagus, 

hoje não me será possível lecionar a aula teórica, dado que tenho de me dirigir às urgências por motivos de saúde.
 Espero que o anúncio vá a tempo de evitar uma ida desnecessária ao Tagus. 
Até amanhã!

Have you downloaded Pentaho Data Integration?

26 setembro 2019, 11:38 Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves

You must. It is a 1.1GB download. Plus, you have to unzip it and get it to work. It is a Java application. Do you have the correct version? is JAVA_HOME set? etc. So the time to do it is NOW. Lab 3 will be a tutorial on PDI, to be used for the Lab 4 deliverable (Checkpoint II) and there will be no time at all for you to set this up in class.

Checkpoint I - Strict limits

26 setembro 2019, 11:36 Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves

As you have probably figured out, the labs will need to be very well managed so that we can make it work. We'd like to have fewer groups per lab to have more time for feedback but, alas, that is not possible. So: we're going to be very strict with timings and procedures. As in: stopwatch in hand. The 5min limit for the presentation is a hard limit. You will be stopped (one minute over time is one minute less feedback for another group, which is not fair). For the same reason, you need to upload your presentation until the end of the day before your class. This will ensure everything is ok at the start of class and that it can proceed without undue delays.

Failure to meet those criteria will yield a one grade point penalty for each violated rule.

Finally (also subject to one grade point penalty), the page limit for your documents is also strict (2 pages is not 2.5 pages...) and you need to bring them printed to class, to facilitate note taking etc. during the presentation.

Long story short, this is a matter of respect for your colleagues. Time spent by one group is time lost to others.