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Moodle now available!
13 setembro 2022, 16:11 • Daniel Jorge Viegas Gonçalves
Ready for you to go prepare for the course (remember to use your Fenix credentials)! Note some approaching deadlines, as well, for the first Homework and the first project checkpoint. From now on, we'll be posting announcements, etc. on Moodle.
Edit: not registered on moodle? Either you are arriving after I enrolled everyone that was enrolled in fenix, or you did not provide your email to fenix. Go here, fill that info in, and I'll be able to enroll you.
Welcome to InfoVis!
12 setembro 2022, 16:20
Corpo Docente
Alfredo Ferreira
Filipa Rocha
João Pedro Lavadinho Moreira
Nuno Verdelho Trindade
Rita Marques
Tomás Alves