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Results of the exam, 1st Test (recovery) and 2nd Test (recovery)

22 junho 2019, 12:09 Luís Gato

Dear Students,
Results of the exam, 1st Test (recovery) and 2nd Test (recovery) are now available on the webpage. Meeting for remarking requests on 25th June, at 18:00, Pav. Mec. IV, 2nd floor.

Registration for the exam,1st Test(Recovery) and 2nd Test(Recovery)

11 junho 2019, 10:16

Results of the 2nd Test

6 junho 2019, 12:30

Second test (overlapping with other tests)

26 maio 2019, 09:27

Second test

21 maio 2019, 17:36

Corpo Docente

Luís Gato

