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MAP30 - next Monday 20th May
16 maio 2024, 10:09 • Carlos Baleizão
The MAP30 will be next Monday, 20th of May, 13:00 in the following rooms
G1-G3: V1.11
G4-G7: V1.26
The MAP30 will be an individual electronic quiz of 30 minutes, with 3/4 analytical questions about the following topics: green metrics; fate model; decision trees; and case study (phenol or B2, depend on the group). Bring pen, paper and calculator.
Case Studies distribution
21 abril 2024, 20:09
next steps
15 abril 2024, 12:25
26 julho 2023, 20:31
Corpo Docente
Frederico Castelo Ferreira
Nuno Faria