
Época Especial

15 julho 2019, 17:20 João Salvador Fernandes

Na eventualidade de haver alunos inscritos para Época Especial, informa-se que esta terá lugar no dia 22/07, às 15h, na Sala I3.

Publicação de Notas

6 fevereiro 2019, 15:50 João Salvador Fernandes

Revisão de Provas: 5ª feira, 07/02, às 15h00, na Sala de Reuniões do DEQ, Torre Sul, Piso 0.
Review: Thursday, 07/02, 15h, Meeting Room of DEQ, South Tower, Level 0

Deadline for Delivery of the Revised Lab Reports

28 janeiro 2019, 16:30 João Salvador Fernandes

The deadline for delivery of the revised lab reports is February 6th.

The previous version should be also delivered.

Publicação de Notas

25 janeiro 2019, 02:05 João Salvador Fernandes

Check your results under "Grades - Tests and 1st Exam"

Review: Monday, 28/01, 16h, room V1.17

Deadline for Delivery of Lab Reports and Date for Discussion

20 dezembro 2018, 18:48 João Salvador Fernandes

As agreed in the lecture of Thursday, Dec 20, the deadline for delivery of lab reports is set for Monday, Jan 14.

The oral presentation of the lab work and its discussion is scheduled for Friday, Jan 18, Room QA 1.1, from 9h00 to 13h00. The students should be present during all discussions.