Últimos anúncios

Second season and Final grades

5 novembro 2024, 15:33 João Pedro Pragana

Dear students,

The grades for the second season's MAP are available in the webcourse (section 'Grades'). The corresponding resolution is also available in section 'MAPs'.
As said in the latest anouncement, the session for revising the MAP will be tomorrow (6th november) between 16:00h - 17:00h in my office (Physics Building - Floor 0, ext: 1561).

Best regards,
João Pragana

Grades - Second season

5 novembro 2024, 14:18

Grades for the 2nd MAP

30 outubro 2024, 16:29


30 outubro 2024, 11:23

Office hours - MAP2

21 outubro 2024, 19:01

Corpo Docente

João Pedro Pragana



Paulo Miguel Nogueira Peças