Avaliação das respostas aos short quiz

Evaluation results for the short quiz questions

Notes : The answers to the short-quiz questions are evaluated on a qualitative scale, from 4 (i.e., the best answers) to 1 (i.e., the worse answers). Students with specific questions regarding the grades for the short-quiz questions should contact the course instructor by email.

AlunoNomeTrabalho SITrabalho ASOTrabalho CGMTrabalho MTPTrabalho AINota
36741Ana Telha43,5433,518
54306André Veríssimo000000
55371David Martinho3,533,50010
58600Andreia Sofia43,544419,5
62558Eugénio Ribeiro000000
64757Fernando Santos4444420
64790João Pereira43,543418,5
64823Nuno Silva3,53,533,5316,5
67074Rodrigo Bruno4444420
72420Anna Pompili3,5444419,5
72523Zhongmiao Li02,54006,5
74705Marzieh Bakshandeh3,533,533,516,5
74751José Gorgulho3,53,532,52,515
76929Miguel Costa2,50203,58
77177Pradeeban Kathiravelu3,5433,53,517,5
77243Silvio Amir4440012
77496Maria Freitas2,52,53,53415,5
80054Shady Issa3,540007,5
80107Adela Ortiz42,5333,516
FCULGustavo Martins43,53,754419,25
FCULDaniel Costa4444420
FCULDavid Costa3,53,5443,518,5
FCULDiogo Marques3,543,54318
FCULRegivaldo Costa2,52,52,52,5313

Slides de apresentações convidadas

Slides from invited presentations

The schedule for invited lectures in the TI course is as follows. Together with the slides from each talk you can also see the corresponding short quiz questions.

    1. Competitions and joint evaluation challenges have assumed a particular importance to the development of the field of biomedical text mining. Explain why, and state some of the main benefits that arise from these joint evaluation campaigns.
    2. The field of biomedical text mining actually goes beyond the area of information systems, borrowing on techniques from all different sub-areas of computer science (CS). Choose one of the CS sub-areas associated to how the department is organized, and explain what types of techniques from that specific sub-area have been used on the field of biomedical text mining.
    3. Explain what is text mining and briefly explain how a text mining system works (e.g., what types of modules or sub-tasks are typically involved in an information extraction pipeline).


    1. Usually, papers published in top venues related to the area of "systems research" share a number of similarities. Briefly explain some of the main characteristics/particularities of this area of research, in terms of common features found on its publications. Give also you personal interpretations towards why the community has embraced these particular features.
    2. One of the particular sub-areas that was discussed in the talk about "systems research" was "field data analysis". Briefly explain what are the main topics/challenges addressed by this particular area of research, and state one of the main achievements/results in this area.
    3. In the context of distributed filesystems, briefly explain the difference between cloud-backed filesystems and cloud-based file synchronization systems. Explain also the concepts of "strong consistency" and "weak consistency."
  • Manuel Fonseca - 24th November 10h00 - room F3
  • Current Research Themes on Computer Graphics and Human-Computer Interaction
    1. This invited lecture addressed some of the typical sub-areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Graphics, where people from the CS departments of IST and FCUL have been working. Choose one of these sub-areas, and clearly stating (i) what is the focus of study, (ii) what are some of the current research challenges, and (iii) what is one of the well-known contributions arising from this sub-area.
    2. Explain what are the main differences between "user-based" and "systems-based" information retrieval research. In your answer, don't forget to comment on the different evaluation strategies that are used in these two areas.
    3. Briefly explain the typical architecture of a multimedia retrieval system.
  • Alexandre Francisco - 11th December 16h30 - room FA1
  • Current Research Themes on Algorithms, Data Structures, and the General MTP Area
    1. Recent research suggests that the average number of individuals that separate any two people on Facebook is 4.74. Comment on the challenges associated to computing degrees of separation in the Facebook graph (e.g., what are the classical algorithms and why can't they be applied) and discuss what were the strategies used for reaching this result.
    2. Prof. Alexandre Francisco discussed currently active research challenges in algorithm design (e.g., parallelization, achieving sub-polynomial performance through approximation/randomization, cache-oblivious algorithms, streaming algorithms and succinct data structures, etc.). Pick one of these challenges and briefly explain the problem, as well as a possible application.
    3. Briefly explain one currently active challenge related to either software engineering or programming language design (i.e., the two main sub-areas that, together with algorithm and data structure design, constitute the main focus of the MTP area).
  • Francisco Melo - 17th December 16h30 - room FA1
  • Artificial intelligence and Learning Agents
    1. Describe, in your own words, what is reinforcement learning. Explain why this is different from the standard supervised learning setting.
    2. Describe what is active learning. Explain why this is different from the standard supervised learning setting.
    3. Describe one of the current challenges in terms learning agents (e.g., the issue of partially observable problem domains), clearly indicating what are the issues that are "challenging" for current approaches.

Slides de aulas introdutórias

Slides from introductory classes