
Provisory grades after second exam

6 julho 2019, 01:04 Rui Henriques

Provisory final grades are available.
Second exam revisions will be held next Friday, July 12th, 10h @ 0.09 (Informática III).
Let us know if you find incongruences or have any question.
Please also feel free to send us feedback.
Thumbs for your work and success on your path!

Homework grades released

4 julho 2019, 09:33 Rui Henriques

Provisory homework grades and grades before second exam are available.
Let us know if you find any incongruence or have any question.

Provisory exam grades released

17 junho 2019, 12:46 Rui Henriques

Provisory exam grades (and corresponding solution) available.
Exam revision: Friday, June 21, 8h30 @ F8 Informática III.
Homework grades will be available this week.
Thumbs up for your work

Exam preparation

4 junho 2019, 17:31 Rui Henriques

Exercises, study materials and office hours available in Materials section.

Visit to Fundação Champalimaud

16 maio 2019, 16:59 Rui Henriques

Tomorrow visit to Fundação Champalimaud is scheduled at 15h-16h30.

We will be gathering at Técnico's gate in Av. Rovisco Pais (close to Torre Sul) by 14h20 and go from there using taxis gently provided by the department of computer science and engineering.