Últimos anúncios
Current MARKS and Eventual MAPs Recover
15 janeiro 2025, 13:01 • Henrique Anibal Santos de Matos
In General information, you can find the current Marks of TIQ
This form is mandatory for students who want to recover any MAP (on January 20 at 10 p.m.) until Friday 17 (noon)
MAPs recovering on January 20 will be :
- MAP15 at 10 am
- MAP30 at 10:25 am
The MAPs will run at LTI's room 2.
Template for the 6 pages paper
7 janeiro 2025, 11:31
Final Seminar's set in TIQ
6 janeiro 2025, 09:23
MAP30 postponed
16 dezembro 2024, 22:43
MAP15 and others
18 novembro 2024, 22:57
Corpo Docente
Diogo Narciso
Sebastião Alves