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Solutions and grade changes

13 novembro 2023, 16:50 Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo

A new version of the exam solutions is now available, as the previous one had two mistakes. 

In question 7, none of the proposed answers were correct, so it will be marked as correct to all students. Also, in question 8, the correct answer is a), but since there could be some ambiguity, both a) and c) will be considered as correct. 
Consequently, some students had their grades slightly improved. 

Enunciado e resolução do exame.

13 novembro 2023, 11:14

Notas do exame e finais

12 novembro 2023, 08:18

Salas para o Exame

7 novembro 2023, 13:22

Formulário para o exame

6 novembro 2023, 17:50

Corpo Docente

Mário Alexandre Teles de Figueiredo



José Maria de Sequeira Mealha Beck Senart

Pedro Ricardo Neto Mendes