
Exam "Época Extraordinária"

30 julho 2021, 14:34 João Paulo Ferreira da Silva

If there is a legal enrollment for it, the Exam "Época Extraordinária" of Teoria de Campo/MEFT will take place on Monday, 6th of September 2021, 14h00-17h00.

(If, by indication of GOP, there is no room available for that date/time, some other solution will be posted on this page).

"Época Especial" revision and grades

23 julho 2021, 20:23 João Paulo Ferreira da Silva

The grades for "Época Especial" are already available. Students which attended should have received an email with data concerning the zoom revision on Wednesday at 10AM.

"Época Especial" exam

21 julho 2021, 19:12 João Paulo Ferreira da Silva

Dear students,


We have just been informed that there are students in confinement which had already enrolled for the “Época Especial” exam of QFT. Given the rules we must comply with, it was decided that this will then be an online exam, with the rules described below.


The enrolled students should have received a zoom link. The exam starts and ends as indicated in the fenix system. The students should be present 15min ahead of time and have then cameras on for the duration of the exam. Once the exam is finished you will have 15min to create the appropriate pdf and submit it to the fenix system under the group already created.


Good Luck,

Joao Silva

Ex2 grading revision

12 julho 2021, 14:49 João Paulo Ferreira da Silva

The grades for Exam 2 are already available. Given the current conditions, I suggest that revision is asked with priority to those cases where the grade is really not expected. Students may consult their graded document in a "in class" session which will take place Thursday, 15 of July 2021 starting at 2PM.Those wishing, must send me an email stating that they will be present. Students will enter in groups of three, in order of arrival, to see their graded answers. The room is P1.

Registration for Exam 2

29 junho 2021, 15:48 João Paulo Ferreira da Silva

The registration for Exam 2 is compulsory to ensure a place in the exam room, and will take place from Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 16PM (noon), until Monday, 5 July 2021 at 8AM.