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IMPORTANT: registration for final exam (2nd season) in group in Fenix + Exam rules
13 janeiro 2025, 10:57 • Miguel Abreu de Almeida Mendes
The registration in Fenix is open (until January 29th, Wednesday, end of day) for the FINAL exam (2nd season) of Heat Transfer course. Check the group in Fenix "registration - Final exam (2nd season)".
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you register ON TIME as we will print a number of statements according to the number of registrations and therefore, students who are not registered may not have a statement available to perform the exam.
IMPORTANT 2: Do not forget to bring a reference book for consultation; see point 1)E of the evaluation method: https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/disciplinas/TCal11/2024-2025/1-semestre/metodos-de-avaliacao . The way you take the reference book (or parts of it) is up to you (as long as you DO NOT take the PDF document for consultation on IPad).
IMPORTANT 3: Exam Rules:
1) The Final exam lasts 2 hours. Students must arrive to the room they are assigned to 10-5 mins before its starting time. Students distribution per room will be announced before the exam (by email and in discipline webpage). Each student can only do the exam in the room he is allocated to.
2) It is absolutely forbidden to have turned on any electronic device that allows you to communicate with the exterior or interior space (mobile phones, smartwatch, tablets, iPads, iPods, etc.). They MUST BE TURNED OFF. The only electronic equipment allowed is a standard pocket calculator without any communication system.
3) The exam will be composed by problems to be done with consultation to the reference book and using a calculator device (that cannot have means to communicate with the outside). It is neither allowed to consult theoretical/practical lectures transparencies, notes or solved problems.
4) The resolution of the exam should be done in exam sheets (obtained by the student). Exceptionally, if required, the student may use white sheets (all identified with name and number and stapled together) BUT unstapled sheets will not be accepted. IMPORTANT: each problem must be solved in a separated set of exam sheets (according to the guidelines provided in the exam statement).
5) Giving up can only occur 1 hour after the exam beginning and after giving back the exam statement. Students that want to give up must deliver also a blank sheet with their name and number and stating: “I GIVE UP”.
6) It is not allowed to leave the room during the exam (except for giving up – see point 5). Any student who lives the room will not be allowed to come back.
Repetição da avaliação contínua: projeto - prazo de entrega do relatório: dia 29 de Janeiro (fim do dia)
4 dezembro 2024, 10:34
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