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Class March 8 read it!
7 março 2024, 20:18 • Fátima Montemor
Dear students,
Tomorrow's lesson is about Second Life and Recycling of
lithium-ion Batteries. The 1st part will be given in VA3 by Prof. F. Margarido.
From 16:30 we will have 2 seminars taught by engineer Francisco Veiga and engineer Daniela Oliveira, from Northvolt. This will be an interesting view from a large Battery producer.
The link for the online seminar starting at 16:30 Lisbon time is
You can assist in the classrom or in another place. Please remember to mute your micro and use headphones if possible if you decide to stay in the classroom VA3.
Thanks and
Best regards,
Fernanda MargaridoGroup seminar
5 março 2024, 18:42
Groups on Fenix
2 março 2024, 11:59
Some info
19 fevereiro 2024, 11:10