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Visit to Exide - wrap up

12 julho 2022, 00:26 Diogo Santos

Dear students,
For those who managed to attend today's visit to Exide, hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Our host, Eng. Filipe Mateus, asked me to share with you the website he mentioned containing several examples of applications of lead-acid batteries, including their own system:

Enjoy your holidays. Wish you all the best.

Visit to EXIDE

4 julho 2022, 10:46

Publicação de Notas

4 maio 2022, 22:15

Registration for recovery test - April 29, 2022

26 abril 2022, 20:01

Recovery Test - April 29, 2022 - 4pm - room Q4.1

26 abril 2022, 10:09

Corpo Docente

Fátima Montemor


Carlos Baleizão

Diogo Santos

Fernanda Maria Ramos da Cruz Margarido