
Poincaré duality

2 junho 2017, 09:00 Gustavo Granja

If M is a closed manifold then the torsion in H_{n-1}(M) is 0 if M is orientable and \Z/2 if M is not orientable.

Statement of Poincaré duality. Poincaré's original "proof" generalizing duality of convex polyhedra. Modern formulation of the isomorphism using the cap product. Definition of the cap product C_n(X) \otimes C^k(X) \to C_{n-k}(X). Boundary formula. The cap product induces a cap product on (co)homology. Properties: functoriality, relative cap product, relation to cup product. 
Proposition: Let M a closed R-orientable manifold. If H^k(M;R) = \Hom_R(H_k(M;R),R) then the cup product pairing H^k(M)\otimes H^{n-k}(M) \to R given by \alpha \otimes \beta \to (\alpha \cup \beta)( [M] ) is a perfect pairing. 
This holds in particular if R is a field. The same proof also gives that the cup product pairing is perfect on the torsion free quotient of cohomology with integral coefficients. 
Example: The cohomology ring of \RP^n with \Z/2 coefficients.
Applications: There are no antipode preserving maps from S^n \to S^{n-1}; Borsuk-Ulam Theorem: If f:S^n \to \R^n is continuous then there exists x\in S^n such that f(x)=f(-x). The (generalized) Ham Sandwich theorem. 
Remark: Relation between the cup product pairing and intersection of oriented submanifolds (reference: Dold).
Example: The cohomology ring of a lens space with \Z/p coefficients.
Compactly supported cohomology of a space. Directed colimits can be computed using cofinal subsets of indices.
Examples of compactly generated cohomology: (0) If X is compact, it agrees with usual cohomology; (1) H^0_c(X) is the set of compactly supported functions which are constant on path components; (2)H^*_c(\R^n) is \Z in degree n and 0 otherwise.
Functoriality of compactly supported cohomology: contravariant for proper maps; covariant via excision for open embeddings. If X = \colim_\alpha U_\alpha is a directed colimit of open sets then H^*_c(X) is the directed colimit of H^*_c(U_\alpha).
An R-orientation of an n-manifold M determines a coherent system of orientation classes [M]_k \in H_n(M|K;R). Construction of the Poincaré duality isomorphism for an arbitrary R-oriented manifold. Sketch proof of Poincaré duality.
Other forms of duality: Poincaré-Lefschetz and Alexander duality.

Orientations. The top homology of a manifold.

31 maio 2017, 11:30 Gustavo Granja

Definition of topological n-manifold. The orientation double cover \tilde M of a manifold M. Definition of orientation and orientability. A connected manifold such that \pi_1 does not contain an index 2 subgroup is orientable. The covering M_R \to M with fiber over x\in M given by H_n(M,M\x;R) for R a commutative ring. Definition of R-orientation and R-orientability of M. Relation between \tilde M and M_R. Any manifold is Z/2 orientable. Example: The orientation double cover of RP^2 is S^2.

Theorem: Let M be an n-manifold
(i) H_i(M;R)=0 for i>n
(ii) If M is connected and not compact then H_n(M;R)=0 
(iii) If M is compact (closed) then the canonical map from H_n(M;R) to the R-module of sections \Gamma(M_R) sending a class \alpha to the corresponding section of M_R is an isomorphism. So if M is R-orientable and connected, H_n(M;R) is an iso with H_n(M,M\x;R) for all x while if M is not orientable then H_n(M;R) injects in H_n(M,M\x;R) as the 2-torsion.

In the R-orientable case, a class in H_n(M;R) mapping to an R-orientation is called a fundamental class of M (or orientation class) and denoted [M]. If M is triangulable and the n-simplices of M can be oriented so that their sum is a cycle. Then the sum represents the fundamental class by (iii).

The proof of the theorem follows from 
Lemma: Let A be a compact set in a manifold M. Then 
(i) H_i(M,M\A;R)=0 for i>n
(ii) If \alpha in H_n(M,M\A;R) has image 0 in H_n(M,M\x;R) for all x in A then \alpha is 0.
(iii) Given a section s of M_R, there is a unique class \alpha \in H_n(M, M\A;R) with \alpha_x=s(x) for x in A
The statements (ii) and (iii) identify H_n(M,M\A;R) with the germs at A of sections of M_R.

The cohomology cross product and the cup product

29 maio 2017, 08:00 Gustavo Granja

Example of the relative cross product: The Kunneth formula says the map H_k(D^k,S^{k-1}) \otimes H_l(D^l,S^{l-1}) \to H_{k+l}(D^{k+l},S^{k+l-1}) is an isomorphism. The fact that the Eilenberg Zilber map is a chain map gives the formula \partial(a\times b) = \partial(a)\times b + (-1)^{|a||b|}a\times \partial b for the boundary maps in long exact homology sequences. This leads to a proof of the fact that there is natural isomorphism of chain complexes between C_*^{CW}(X) \otimes C_*^{CW}(Y) and C_*^{CW}(X\times Y) for cell complexes X and Y.

Properties of the cohomology cross product: functoriality, unitality, associativity, graded commutativity. Relation to the homology cross product <a x b, c x d> = <a,c> <b,d> where < , > is the evaluation of a cohomology class on a homology class. 
Example: It follows from UCT and the Kunneth formula for homology that the cross product H^k(S^k;R) \otimes_R H^l(S^l;R) \to H^{k+l}(S^k \times S^l;R) is an isomorphism.
Kunneth formula for cohomology: Let R be a PID and X be a space with H_*(X) of finite type (i.e. finitely generated in each degree). Then there is a natural short exact sequence 
0 --> \oplus_{k+l=n} H^k(X;R)\otimes_R H^l(Y;R) --> H^n(X\times Y;R) --> \oplus_{k+l=n-1} Tor^R(H^k(X;R), H^l(Y;R)) --> 0 
The cup product is defined by a \cup b = \Delta^*(a \times b). Properties of the cup product: functoriality, unitality, associativity, commutativity. Relation with the cross product: (a\times b) \cup (c \times d) = (-1)^|b||c| (a\cup c) \times (b\cup d). In particular axb = \pi_1^*a \cup \pi_2^*b so the cross product is determined by the cup product.
The relative cup product H^k(X,A) \otimes H^l(X,B) \to H^k(X,A\cup B).
Examples: The cohomology ring of S^n \times S^m; of \coprod_\alpha X_\alpha; of a wedge of well pointed spaces; of the surface of genus 2, of a product of \CP^2 with a space X (more generally of the product of two spaces one of which has torsion free homology).

The homology cross product

26 maio 2017, 09:00 Gustavo Granja

Explicit Eilenberg-Zilber maps: the Alexander-Whitney map and the Eilenberg-Maclane shuffle maps. Properties of the Eilenberg-Zilber maps: unitality, associativity, graded commutativity. Definition of the homology cross product. The Kunneth formula. Example: The homology of a product of spheres. Properties fof the homology cross product: functoriality, unitality, associativity, graded commutativity. Naturality gives a cross product on relative homology. If {AxY,XxB} is an excisive couple then we get a Kunneth formula for relative homology. The cross product with coefficients. Example. The cohomology cross product for cohomology with ring coefficients. 

The Eilenberg-Zilber Theorem

22 maio 2017, 08:00 Gustavo Granja

Examples of the Universal Coefficient Formula. Lack of naturality. A map induces iso in homology with all coefficients iff it induces iso with \Z/p and \Q coefficients. The tensor product of chain complexes. The acyclic model theorem. Proof of the Eilenberg-Zilber Theorem. Statement of the Kunneth formula. [For the acyclic model and Eilenberg-Zilber Theorem see for instance Vick - Homology Theory: An introduction to algebraic topology in the bibliography)